Acerca de Nuestro Centro

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

1st National Meeting of Bilingualism

With success, the representatives of the Regional Nariño, Aura Delia Ceron Fernandez, Bilingualism  Zonal Facilitator, and Luis Arnoby Escobar Hernandez, Integrator's AVA, both from CIPL Lope who participated in the 1st National Meeting of Bilingualism in San Andres Island, where several work activities were performed with the objective of  constitute an effective strategy of Bilingualism Sena, to ensure  the use and appropriation of English skills of all learners. Also, some good practices used in the other Formation Centers to strengthen the language program were shared.  There was an excellent participation of important partners such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, British Council, Rosetta Stone and Tell Me More,   who gave us important information to support the program.  .

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DIRECTORIO CIPL LOPE / Sugerencias, Quejas y Reclamos

Bernardo Chamorro Guevara
Subdirector Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia-Lope
IP 72036

Andres Santacruz Benitez
Coordinador Misional
IP 72040

Emilio Humberto Ceron Lasso
Coordinador Grupo Mixto de Apoyo Administrativo
IP 72009

Laura Inés Paredes
Coordinador Académico Sector Comercio y Servicios
IP 72015

Luis Eduardo Enriquez Ordoñez
Coordinador Académico Sector Agroindustria
IP 72039

Luis Carlos Zambrano
Coordinador Académico de Programas Especiales
IP 72053

Hugo Pantoja
Profesional Oficina de Relaciones Laborales
IP 72022

Carmen Alicia Benavides
Contadora Centro Lope

Lina Margoth Narvaez
Profesional Tesorería
IP 72023

Maritza Muñoz
Tecnico- Servicio Nacional de Empleo
IP 72150

Sonia Vitery
Técnico- Servicio Médico asistencial
IP 72020

Hebert López C.
Lider Programa Jóvenes Rurales Emprendedores
IP 72057

Conmutador: 7304112- 7302946- 7304043-7304656