Acerca de Nuestro Centro

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

First Earthquake Evacuation Drill

This wednesday, October 05. It wil be developed the first drill of evacuation for a earthquake, organized by the major from Pasto; Every worker and student from SENA must participate. Due to this, we are inviting you to be alerted to the alarm which will be activated at 11:00 am, with the purspose everyone evacuate to the closer meeting point. These points will be marked with a flag.

Because of this, It was attached the information about the evacuation and the meeting points at Comercio and Servicios, Administration and Agroindustrial.

This activity will be supported by Brigada de Emergencia de Funcionarios SENA and the colaboration from Brigadistas Aprendices.

Any question you can contact to:
Nadia Marisa Gómez Yépez
Terapeuta Ocupacional Esp. Gerencia de la Salud Ocupacional
SENA - Regional Nariño
PBX: 7304656 IP: 72087


Dear aprentices welcome to your Centro Internacional de Produccion Limpia Lope and to the SENA Family, Regional Nariño.

Here are some links of important informatión:

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


Successful was the participation of the first group of Virtual Tutors of CIPL Lope in the Certification of Competence Standards 240201045 “Orientar Procesos Formativos en la Metodología a Distancia con base en Planes de Estudio” developed in the Agricultural Center in Regional Cauca with the Evaluator Esperanza Aleddi Travi From Regional Valle. On this occasion, thanks to the collaboration of Blanca Hormaza Leader in the evaluation and certification processes of Agricultural Center, in Cauca, who welcomed and allowed us to present Knowledge, Productivity and Performance evidences, where our tutors distinguished for their good work and high proficiency in Distance and Virtual Education. These Tutors are certified in this competence: Aura Ceron Fernandez, Deiby Cordoba Burbano, Alex Paredes Guerrero, Dani Tovar Alarcón and Luis Arnoby Escobar H., Center Integrator

This Certification is more relevant given that is the first certified group of tutors in this competence at national level.

DIRECTORIO CIPL LOPE / Sugerencias, Quejas y Reclamos

Bernardo Chamorro Guevara
Subdirector Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia-Lope
IP 72036

Andres Santacruz Benitez
Coordinador Misional
IP 72040

Emilio Humberto Ceron Lasso
Coordinador Grupo Mixto de Apoyo Administrativo
IP 72009

Laura Inés Paredes
Coordinador Académico Sector Comercio y Servicios
IP 72015

Luis Eduardo Enriquez Ordoñez
Coordinador Académico Sector Agroindustria
IP 72039

Luis Carlos Zambrano
Coordinador Académico de Programas Especiales
IP 72053

Hugo Pantoja
Profesional Oficina de Relaciones Laborales
IP 72022

Carmen Alicia Benavides
Contadora Centro Lope

Lina Margoth Narvaez
Profesional Tesorería
IP 72023

Maritza Muñoz
Tecnico- Servicio Nacional de Empleo
IP 72150

Sonia Vitery
Técnico- Servicio Médico asistencial
IP 72020

Hebert López C.
Lider Programa Jóvenes Rurales Emprendedores
IP 72057

Conmutador: 7304112- 7302946- 7304043-7304656