Acerca de Nuestro Centro

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Learners Participation CIPL LOPE. SENA Competition – ADOBE

CIPL Lope Learners classified to the National Qualifier in Santa Fe de Bogota in the competition framework “SENA – ADOBE 2011: Te llevan a Chile”. Our learners are in the pre-selected group of 30 between 440 which were presented in all the training Centers in the country. The second part of this competition will be developed in the Industry Center to the Graphic Communication regional in the Capital District, 13 to December 16.


  • Edgar Camilo David Guerrero
  • Jaime Daniel Cerón Rosales
  • Daniel Esteban Bastidas Rodríguez
  • Luis Gerardo Zambrano Gómez
  • Wilmer Ferney Zambrano Guerrero

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

First Earthquake Evacuation Drill

This wednesday, October 05. It wil be developed the first drill of evacuation for a earthquake, organized by the major from Pasto; Every worker and student from SENA must participate. Due to this, we are inviting you to be alerted to the alarm which will be activated at 11:00 am, with the purspose everyone evacuate to the closer meeting point. These points will be marked with a flag.

Because of this, It was attached the information about the evacuation and the meeting points at Comercio and Servicios, Administration and Agroindustrial.

This activity will be supported by Brigada de Emergencia de Funcionarios SENA and the colaboration from Brigadistas Aprendices.

Any question you can contact to:
Nadia Marisa Gómez Yépez
Terapeuta Ocupacional Esp. Gerencia de la Salud Ocupacional
SENA - Regional Nariño
PBX: 7304656 IP: 72087


Dear aprentices welcome to your Centro Internacional de Produccion Limpia Lope and to the SENA Family, Regional Nariño.

Here are some links of important informatión:

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


Successful was the participation of the first group of Virtual Tutors of CIPL Lope in the Certification of Competence Standards 240201045 “Orientar Procesos Formativos en la Metodología a Distancia con base en Planes de Estudio” developed in the Agricultural Center in Regional Cauca with the Evaluator Esperanza Aleddi Travi From Regional Valle. On this occasion, thanks to the collaboration of Blanca Hormaza Leader in the evaluation and certification processes of Agricultural Center, in Cauca, who welcomed and allowed us to present Knowledge, Productivity and Performance evidences, where our tutors distinguished for their good work and high proficiency in Distance and Virtual Education. These Tutors are certified in this competence: Aura Ceron Fernandez, Deiby Cordoba Burbano, Alex Paredes Guerrero, Dani Tovar Alarcón and Luis Arnoby Escobar H., Center Integrator

This Certification is more relevant given that is the first certified group of tutors in this competence at national level.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

SENA transfers technology to; el Carnaval de Blancos y Negros in San Juan de Pasto (Carnival of Blacks and Whites of Pasto)

In order to improve the quality of motorized and non motorized floats of the Carnival of Blacks and Whites; Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the National Learning Service SENA through the International Production Centre Limpia Lope, will begin a series of workshops with 60 artisans who are certified to version 2012. During these workshops SENA Institution will put in available to artists, the technology which Lope Center, has allowing them to improve the movement of each of the figures that parade during the magnum event.

According to the Academic Coordinator, Luis Eduardo Enriquez of Agro industrial Sector "has been observed that sometimes the parades are endless, because some coach failed in its mechanical design, which is why the agreement between the institution and Corpocarnaval looking for artisans to teach alternatives that prevent such events.

Currently, SENA has a broad technology that will allow artists of Carnival improve its products through industrial automation, technology PML, a complex mechatronic tools and a workshop that gives the possibilities to the artisan to design and construct a piece they require for their work.

This alliance between the SENA and Corpocarnaval, began with a series of meetings and visits on Monday of the artisans to the International Production “Centro Lope” to know the technological tools available to satisfy their needs.

Enriquez said that during these three months before the Carnival 2012 is expected advance helping to accredited artists who have overcome the difficulties in preparing their floats to correct situations that occurred in the before version of it.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011


SENA advances in “Formacion Titulada” with students in tenth and eleven level

San Juan de Pasto September 12, 2011.

The Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA in Nariño through the Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia Lope, has benefit to 2.463 students of tenth and eleven grades in 44 educational institutions located in 18 municipalities in the department through the integration program with the Media since 2010 to date.

The program is aimed that students of two high school seniors can make a technician with the SENA while completing their studies at educational institutions.

Through a dual-track work where instructors will move into educational institutions and students to do their internship SENA academic progress is integral development.

According to the Leader of Integration with Media of Centro Lope Sandra Casanova, "There are 22 technical programs that are offered to educational institutions according to the relevance of its municipalities, taking in mind the development plans of each of the localities" . Agricultural programs in communications technology and systems are some of the technicians which young people have accessed.

Students who begun this program in 2010 will receive their certification in December of this year, according to Mrs. Casanova.

This program has generated three successful experiences through partnership with the International Organization for Migration IOM, an organization that gave each of the institutions 100 million of pesos.

In the municipality of Colon (Genova) is developping an livestock and agroindustrial initiative, in La Planada with an aquaculture technician and in Policarpa with agricultural production.

At the other hand the president of the Municipal Educational Institution Inem, Mr. Jaime Ramiro Guerrero said that the integration program with the Media of the SENA is an opportunity for students of tenth and eleventh levels have the opportunity to have a more advanced training than in the high school, considering that 90% of the student population in Pasto belongs to the stratum 1.2 and 3 which makes it difficult to access private higher education because the public offering is minimal.

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011


Can submit designs to the contest until September 21, 2011.

The winners will travel to New York to receive their awards and attend the official celebration of ONU of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in the United Nations Office on November 22, 2011.

Competition rules:

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

SENA Regional Nariño is preparing to participate in National Games and Cultural Meeting 2011

San Juan de Pasto August 31st, 2011. As part of preparation for the National Games and the 2011 Cultural Meeting which will take place in Bogota and Armenia respectively, are invited to public employees, government workers, civil servants and contractors temporary to register personally until September 2nd in the Labor Relations Office or by using existing media such as IP or email.

The disciplines in which they will conduct screenings in Athletics (Track and Field), Bowling (Male and Female) and Swimming (Male and Female). SENA Regional Nariño for its participation in the Zonal Sports Games that took place last year in Popayan has guaranteed its participation in the discipline Billiard into the category of free carom and three bands. The Representatives for this practice in their own right are Pedro Pablo Bastidas Molina and Gerardo Andres Gamboa.

Keepting in mind the rules Given in the National Games can engage contractors who have signed the contract in the first half of this year or currently are providing personal services from July 29th to December 30th, 2011.

Contractors must submit a policy that protects them against accident or injury caused in during the event. Public servants and retirees may participate as a maximum of two disciplines one of them in sports and other in cultural and contractors only in one of it.

Also invites the public servants, retirees and contractors who have artistic skills to sign up until September 15th , 2011 in the Labor Relations Office to select participants of the XII National and Cultural Meeting to be held between November 10th and 14th in Armenia.

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Centro Lope certifies 21 workers from Empopasto as Technologists

San Juan de Pasto August 31th, 2011.

Next Friday, The Centro Internacional de Produccion Limpia Lope, Regional Nariño will do thecertification of 21 workers of the Empresa de Obras Sanitarias Empopasto, as Technologists inWater and Sanitation.

The ceremony will take place at 3:30 pm at the Club Colombia.

The instructor of the Centro Lope Jorge Eduardo Alava manifested that "through thistechnologist the employees improve their job skills in the different activities of capacitation,purification and distribution of drinking water, providing a better quality product for all users of the municipality of Pasto"

The training offered by the Centro Internacional de Produccion Limpia Lope allowed to formhighly trained talent to face the high quality standards that are required of companies that provides this service. This process took two years of which one and a half left the stage schooland six months of the production stage.

The educational offer was made under the closed offer and the act of certification will be organized with the support of the Talento Humano Office of Empopasto

DIRECTORIO CIPL LOPE / Sugerencias, Quejas y Reclamos

Bernardo Chamorro Guevara
Subdirector Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia-Lope
IP 72036

Andres Santacruz Benitez
Coordinador Misional
IP 72040

Emilio Humberto Ceron Lasso
Coordinador Grupo Mixto de Apoyo Administrativo
IP 72009

Laura Inés Paredes
Coordinador Académico Sector Comercio y Servicios
IP 72015

Luis Eduardo Enriquez Ordoñez
Coordinador Académico Sector Agroindustria
IP 72039

Luis Carlos Zambrano
Coordinador Académico de Programas Especiales
IP 72053

Hugo Pantoja
Profesional Oficina de Relaciones Laborales
IP 72022

Carmen Alicia Benavides
Contadora Centro Lope

Lina Margoth Narvaez
Profesional Tesorería
IP 72023

Maritza Muñoz
Tecnico- Servicio Nacional de Empleo
IP 72150

Sonia Vitery
Técnico- Servicio Médico asistencial
IP 72020

Hebert López C.
Lider Programa Jóvenes Rurales Emprendedores
IP 72057

Conmutador: 7304112- 7302946- 7304043-7304656