Acerca de Nuestro Centro

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

SENA advances in “Formacion Titulada” with students in tenth and eleven level

San Juan de Pasto September 12, 2011.

The Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA in Nariño through the Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia Lope, has benefit to 2.463 students of tenth and eleven grades in 44 educational institutions located in 18 municipalities in the department through the integration program with the Media since 2010 to date.

The program is aimed that students of two high school seniors can make a technician with the SENA while completing their studies at educational institutions.

Through a dual-track work where instructors will move into educational institutions and students to do their internship SENA academic progress is integral development.

According to the Leader of Integration with Media of Centro Lope Sandra Casanova, "There are 22 technical programs that are offered to educational institutions according to the relevance of its municipalities, taking in mind the development plans of each of the localities" . Agricultural programs in communications technology and systems are some of the technicians which young people have accessed.

Students who begun this program in 2010 will receive their certification in December of this year, according to Mrs. Casanova.

This program has generated three successful experiences through partnership with the International Organization for Migration IOM, an organization that gave each of the institutions 100 million of pesos.

In the municipality of Colon (Genova) is developping an livestock and agroindustrial initiative, in La Planada with an aquaculture technician and in Policarpa with agricultural production.

At the other hand the president of the Municipal Educational Institution Inem, Mr. Jaime Ramiro Guerrero said that the integration program with the Media of the SENA is an opportunity for students of tenth and eleventh levels have the opportunity to have a more advanced training than in the high school, considering that 90% of the student population in Pasto belongs to the stratum 1.2 and 3 which makes it difficult to access private higher education because the public offering is minimal.

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DIRECTORIO CIPL LOPE / Sugerencias, Quejas y Reclamos

Bernardo Chamorro Guevara
Subdirector Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia-Lope
IP 72036

Andres Santacruz Benitez
Coordinador Misional
IP 72040

Emilio Humberto Ceron Lasso
Coordinador Grupo Mixto de Apoyo Administrativo
IP 72009

Laura Inés Paredes
Coordinador Académico Sector Comercio y Servicios
IP 72015

Luis Eduardo Enriquez Ordoñez
Coordinador Académico Sector Agroindustria
IP 72039

Luis Carlos Zambrano
Coordinador Académico de Programas Especiales
IP 72053

Hugo Pantoja
Profesional Oficina de Relaciones Laborales
IP 72022

Carmen Alicia Benavides
Contadora Centro Lope

Lina Margoth Narvaez
Profesional Tesorería
IP 72023

Maritza Muñoz
Tecnico- Servicio Nacional de Empleo
IP 72150

Sonia Vitery
Técnico- Servicio Médico asistencial
IP 72020

Hebert López C.
Lider Programa Jóvenes Rurales Emprendedores
IP 72057

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